The Smith Sentinel

What Matters Most Is What Lasts Longest

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ideas Anyone??

Ah!! I've been in primary for so long I've used up all of my ideas!! Can anyone help with activity ideas for Achievement Nights??

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hello Family!! I'm a beginner at blogging... so the page is kind of lame so far... but I think that this would be a great way for us all to share pics, comments and keep in touch!

Miss Michelle in the ATL

Russell and I were so excited to have Michelle come to visit us a few weeks back. We had a great time! Some of the highlites of the visit were:
2) Lots of sun at the beach in Destin, Florida (where the pics were taken
3) Lots of yummy seafood
4) Pedicures, chick flicks, and late night talks
5) Troy and Callie dropped in while they were in town!! Troy was in Atlanta for work, we were so excited to see them. We even caught a Braves game while they were here. Callie, Michelle, and myself make a great shopping team!!

It was really funny how our house suddenly became a favorite "hang out" spot for all of the boys in our ward.... I wonder why....